This summer so far, there was a whole lotta fuzz about sexism on the web and in hacker spaces. And that is a good thing, because still too many people believe this is just a minor issue and that we…
This summer so far, there was a whole lotta fuzz about sexism on the web and in hacker spaces. And that is a good thing, because still too many people believe this is just a minor issue and that we…
Today is the last day to check out the Humble Indie Bundle V for a solidarity prize. In general we suggest that supporting of independent, autonomous and/or collective producers is the way to go – if we are earnestly looking…
Morgen, am Di., 12. Juni 2012 um 17.00 Uhr gibt es in der Wipplingerstraße 23 ein tech:babbel café wo unter anderem folgende Fragen diskutiert werden können: Vorratsdatenspeicherung und wie diese Pauschal-Überwachung umgehen? Was bringen die neuen Versionen von den verschiedenen Linux…
Am Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2012 um 18.30 Uhr wird Cecile K. M. Crutzen im Hörsaal 1 des NIG einen Vortrag zum Thema “Macht Gender Unterschied in der Informatik?” halten. In ihrem Vortrag wird es dabei weniger um quantative Betrachtungen und…
Sexism on the web and in hacker spaces revisited!
About half a year ago, I put together some notes on “Sexism on the web and in hacker spaces“, because there have been a lot of ugly things going on over the summer which urged me to voice some concerns…